The National High School Ethics Bowl

The National High School Ethics Bowl (NHSEB) promotes respectful, supportive, and in-depth discussion of ethics among thousands of high school students across the US. The NHSEB aims to take seriously the contribution that teenagers make as members of their communities, cultivate skills and virtues central to democratic citizenship, and prepare students to navigate challenging moral issues in a thoughtful and open-minded way.

National High School Ethics Bowl Logo

The Need

NHSEB’s core objective is to get students thinking, talking, and working together on tough moral and political issues. At the start of the pandemic, NHSEB needed a technological solution that would ensure this incredibly valuable national network of events didn't fizzle out because they couldn't meet in person due to COVID.

NHSEB is similar in structure to a debate. Multiple teams are given a case to discuss, and judges make decisions based in-part on how the team engages. Unlike debate, however, teams are allowed to agree on their conclusions and are encouraged to follow reasons and evidence where they lead. The collaborative truth-seeking model NHSEB promotes rewards students for the depth of their thought, their ability to think analytically, and the respect they show to the perspectives of their peers.

The Challenge

NHSEB showed that they could run an event using Zoom with break-out groups in the early days of the pandemic, but they quickly realized the overhead of managing the format in this way, at a nationwide scale, was unsustainable. Having facilitators distracted by multiple steps in using the technology, as opposed to having the event set up beforehand, was far from ideal.

Creating an online platform would need to include a high-level of audience accessibility, be cost-efficient and flexible, allow the repurposing value, and facilitate building relationships with a large number of people. To prepare for shifting the NHSEB to an online experience, a number of considerations needed to be examined.

The Solution

NHSEB needed a solution that would support running a nationwide network of events with thousands of students, coaches, moderators and judges joining virtually.

Enable Education built NHSEB a solution, NHSEB One, that allowed them to automate the process that they ran in Zoom and provided it to them at a much-reduced cost. As part of our own social impact initiatives, Enable Education collaborates on socially-focused projects that train and educate an organization’s stakeholders or community.

The NHSEB One platform ensures the quality of NHSEB’s program delivery is consistent and scalable from coast to coast in the US. As the pandemic has subsided and many Ethics Bowl events have returned to in-person, the NHSEBOne platform has been augmented to support volunteers and students in live, in-person events as well. The NHSEB virtual only format remains in use for the divisional playoff circuit, outreach, and scrimmage events across the United States.

A team of five students wearing masks at a table with a microphone.

 The Outcome

Enable Education created an online solution for NHSEB that allows for active listening and critical thinking within a safe and supportive environment. Students have been able to continue taking part in in-depth discussion of ethics nationwide, fostering constructive dialogue and furthering the next generation’s ability to make sound ethical decisions. In an era of increasing polarization, Enable Education’s partnership with NHSEB has helped to strengthen democratic education, showing that technology can enable empathy and collaboration when it is designed with those goals in mind.

If you want to hear more about transforming training into digital learning, reach out now and book a call with one of our team. We have some ideas to share!


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