Company Culture: Cultivating Curiosity and Talent

An awful lot about a company or organization hinges on culture. Work is rapidly becoming more than just a place to put in hours and earn a living. It’s more a place to learn, to develop, and to innovate. And following the upheavals of the pandemic, work as a place to connect with others is particularly important.

We take culture very seriously in our own internal operations, but also in the way we interact with and create training experiences for our clients and partners. We’ve built our own process that not only colours how we operate as a team, but that also allows us to guide our clients through our processes.

This is what CULTURE means to Enable:

Culture stands for: Curiosity, Understanding, Learning, Talent, Usefulness, Retention, Experience

All these components of culture are essential to onboarding, training, and retaining a strong and sustainable work environment.


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