From Zero to LxP

Presneters slide from the Cognition 2021 Confere3nce with images of Gretchen Edelmon (Principal Product Owner, Digital Learning Experience - NI) and Ben Zimmer (CEO and Co-Founder - Enable Education)

Ben Zimmer, CEO Enable Education, will be joining other thought leaders at Cognition 2021 to discuss challenges in the learning and technology space, and how they’ve tackled them.

Ben will be talking together with Gretchen Edelmon (Principal Product Owner, Digital Learning Experience, NI) on the topic of Partnering to Build a Learner Experience Platform (LxP) and discussing the critical role partnerships play in a successful implementation.

Taking your learning from printed content and static search pages to a holistic, integrated LxP sounds like a challenge, and it is! 

But what Gretchen and Ben found is that it’s really about the experience. An LxP that includes a discovery portal, interactive learning content, customer personalization, and even badging takes long-term focus, a lot of patience, and incremental development roadmaps to build strong, collaborative partnerships.

Through Enable’s partnership with NI, we’ve created engaging programs that meet the audiences’ learning needs. Together, we’ve faced challenges and learned lessons that have strengthened our partnership and refined our processes.

Gretchen and Ben will talk about the key evolution points that helped to build the learning ecosystem NI now has. They’ll describe how each point helped build momentum, achieve success over time, and serve the needs of diverse department audiences.

Join other business leaders, HR professionals, and learning industry specialists at Cognition 2021 to learn about best practices, strategic insights, trends, and technologies in the learning industry.

Interested in finding out more about how we partner with businesses to build their learning? We'd love to help—schedule a call below and let’s talk.


From Onboarding to Advocacy: How Customer Education Drives Business Growth